A review by wc4
Hunting Evil: The Nazi War Criminals Who Escaped and the Quest to Bring Them to Justice by Jonathan Cowley, Guy Walters


Interesting book for those interested in WWII and its aftermath. The author criticizes governments (American, British, French, and Soviets) for not doing enough to catch Nazi war criminals after the war, or even after being caught, of using these people as intelligence and technical assets in the Cold War that followed.
The book also chronicles the escape of many Nazis after the war, mostly to South America, aided sometimes by Catholic priests. The popular Odessa escape network is shown to be a myth perpetrated by Nazi hunters like Simon Wiesenthal and popular culture.
Speaking of which, this is definitely not a book for Simon Wiesenthal fans. The author is very scathing of the famous Nazi hunter, portraying him as self-promoting and an all-out liar about some of his exploits, especially with regards to the capture of Adolf Eichmann. It was acknowledged though, at the end of the book, that without Simon Wiesenthal, awareness of the Holocaust might not be as widespread as it is in today's society.