A review by betwixt_the_pages
#Hater by Cambria Hebert


It started with unspoken animosity. The bitter bite of jealousy. And now its full blown hate.

It was during my first football game that I first felt the first chill of hate. I looked it right in the eyes and felt its sticky tentacles reach out for me. I’d never experienced something so cold and empty before.

The effect of that look lingered, like an unspoken promise, long after it was gone.

Becoming a couple – becoming the other half of a campus celebrity wasn’t easy. I let down walls guarding my heart and he looked past my glasses and accident prone tendencies. Romeo and I are an unlikely match, a #nerd and a jock. But we made it.

And we’re happy.

Zach doesn’t want us to be happy. He wants Romeo to pay for getting him kicked out of Omega and for the night he spent in jail. He’s going to use anything and everything he can to get his revenge.

Including me.

As the weather on campus grows cold and the days become dark, revenge becomes the center of someone’s life and the happiness Romeo and I worked so hard for is threatened.

I can’t help but worry that our love is going to be overshadowed by hate.

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Rating: 4.5/5 Penguins
Quick Reasons: cute romance continues!; awesome m/f friendship I couldn't help but squeal over; lots of drama, angst, and "ohmahgosh, I want to kill that jerk" moments; the characters/romance aren't perfect, and that's what makes them awesome; quasi cliff-hanger ending, but I don't mind

UGH. UGH. I absolutely ADORE this series!

I focused on him. Everything still seemed blurry, but he was close enough that I could see him. He was completely soaked. His jeans, shoes, jacket, and shirt. He was just as wet as I was.

His normally messy blond hair was darker and flat to his head from the weight of the water.
Dark shadows haunted his eyes and his lips were pale from the cold.

"You jumped in after me," I whispered.

"I'd jump into the pits of hell for you, Rim.”

I audio-booked this one, because I could (and because... No, I don't have any other reasons. I wanted to, so I did. So there.) And let me tell you--listening to new adult/contemporary books through my headphones? Is my newest favorite thing EVER. I don't know that there's a specific reason for this; I don't often LIKE listening to books via audiobook, because I have a hard time focusing (read: not getting distracted and forgetting it's on...) But with NA books...something magical happens. I don't have to remind myself; I don't have to work harder to listen. I just DO. And reading this one this way? Absolutely the BEST idea I've ever had. It was a ton of fun to settle back on my pillows, hit play, and just let the words stream around me. Hats off to the narrators--they did a fantastic job bringing the characters to life and keeping me enthralled.

“Try them on," I said.

Rimmel pushed the covers back and pulled her bare legs out to pull on the boots. She got one on and tied and then pushed her foot down in the other.

Her forehead wrinkled. "There's something in there," she said and quickly pulled it back off.

"What is it?"

"I'm not putting my hand in there!" she squealed. "It might be a bug."

"A bug?" I was amused. "How would a bug get in there?"

She screwed up her face and stuck out her tongue. "Who knows? Bugs are creepy like that."

I chuckled and shoved my hand down into the boot. She watched like she was expecting something to eat my hand off. I pulled out the square white box and held it out. "I think it might be for you," I said and winked.

I think what I like most about this series are the relationships. There are some awesome girl friendships that are whole and wonderful and empowering -- no drama, no put-downs, no negativity. There is a male/female friendship (more like brother/sister, really) that I immediately fell in love with--Braeden and Rimmel are the perfect blend of snarky and caring and they make my heart melt. Also, they're freaking adorable together. And the relationship between Romeo and Rimmel? Heaven. I mean, no, it's not perfect--none of these relationships are--but that's what makes them so entirely human and believable for me.

And the STORY. This picks up where book one leaves off, starts with a bang--and doesn't slow down until the very end. And even AT the end, it's not slowing down--there's a slight cliff-hanger ending to this, but it's so small I don't even mind it. The entire read, from start to finish, is a roller coaster of emotions, drama, and angst...and I adored every moment of it. I found myself reaching immediately for my headphones when I got home from work; pining to be home and listening while I was at work. This series is addictive!

“I’m hitting the shower,” Braeden said and slammed his locker shut.

“Hey,” I said and caught him by the shoulder. He glanced around at me. “You wanna tell me why Rimmel called you before the game?”

Braeden spun. “Did you go through my phone?”

“Did you lie to me about my girl?” I countered.

He wiped a hand over his face. “Fucking A. Don’t put me in the middle, Rome.”

“You’re my best friend, asshole. There is no middle. It’s my side.”

“Hey now,” he said. “Sisters before misters and all that.”

“What the fuck does that even mean?” I drawled, amused

“It means I’ve taken her on as my little sister. You’re her mister. I’m officially in neutral territory.”

I can't wait to get my hands on the third book in this series...and yes, I intend to audiobook it. Now that I've gotten hooked, I'm not giving the narrators up! I recommend this series to lovers of NA; steamy romances; awesome friendships; and realistic, terrifying drama. If your heart hasn't been hooked by this series yet, don't you think it's about time you let it be?