A review by basicbsguide
The Widow of Wall Street by Randy Susan Meyers


“All the Botox and other poisons she’d injected, keeping herself perfect for him…the tweaks she’d gotten to look younger. Jake smiled wider. Words from his eyes burned from across the courtroom. The noose tightened.”

The mastermind goes to jail but what happens to the people that are left behind? The Widow of Wall Street gives us a fictionalized look at a family similar to the Madoff’s. Do not pick up this book expecting surprises. We know what happens. It’s the story behind it that the author is sharing with us.

Phoebe was loyal to a fault. I found myself going back and forth on whether or not I empathized with her character. She was driven from a young age and went after what she wanted, so why didn’t she walk away? Did Phoebe know about Jakes scheming? Would you know? Would you walk away? Even the investors that saw the numbers going up when everyone else’s were going down. Did they really think they were just the lucky ones? Sometimes people turn a blind eye when it benefits them.

I think the author does a great job portraying a family torn apart by a greedy man’s actions. Jake was such a despicable man and I absolutely detested him. Randy Susan Meyers is a fabulous storyteller so pick up this complex story in paperback on June 26th.