A review by onceandfuturelaura
Red Moon by Kim Stanley Robinson


I liked all of this. I loved some of this. Especially this:

"Decay is inherent in all compounded things, persevere diligently." These were the Buddha's final worlds, or so they tell us."Continued perseverance futures," says the Yijing. Of course anything alive has to persevere, that's the definition of life. So these encouragements are possibly a bit stupid; I often feel that way, I should give up on them. Stating the obvious can sometimes be helpful, but usually, it's only irritating. One towns and says of course to such simpleminded exhortations. Do the necessary things! Yes. Now again the time has come when we have to act. So: act.

I loved that. I loved the idea that protest might -- MIGHT -- bring a better world.

I did not understand the ending. Or maybe I just resented it. I want to imagine a better world. Not just dust on the moon.