A review by hugbandit7
Happy Homicides, 1: Thirteen Cozy Holiday Mysteries by Lois Winston, Jenna Bennett, Joyce Lavene, Jim Lavene, Sara Rosett, Jim and Joyce Lavene, Linda Gordon Hengerer, Neil S. Plakcy, Camille Minichino, Joanna Campbell Slan, Annie Adams, Nancy Jill Thames, Teresa Trent, Nancy Warren


13 novellas by 12 mystery writers, how could you possibly go wrong with this book?! I don't think I had read any or much by any of these authors but I definitely plan to search out these author's other books. Some I might even already have on my Kindle (so many books not enough time)

Not all of the stories had a death, but there was some sort of mystery that needed to be solved. I'm not sure if I can pick out which one was my favorite because they were all good. I don't think I figured any of them out until the end when the killer or perpetrator was revealed. Of course there were several stories that involved dogs and I might have favored those a bit more, but only because I'm a dog lover!