A review by ladywithaquill
Abounding Might by Melissa McShane


Once again I thoroughly enjoyed this book by Melissa McShane! Having not read the second book in the series yet, I did stumble a bit in the beginning as I was getting acclimated to the time that had passed between the first book and this one. However, I was able to easily follow along and became engrossed as the story picked up. Though I did find the heroine to not be as likeable, at least in the beginning, she quickly grew on me, and the hero was equally charming.

Lady Daphne St. Clair has been reassigned - to India - as nothing more than a human chaise conveying a lord's family back and forth from England. Having just failed on the battlefield, her mistake leading to a man's death, she reluctantly accepts her punishment. However, not long after arrival, she meets Captain Phineas Fletcher, a quiet yet charming Discerner, who is in need of a Bounder for an upcoming mission. Daphne, being an Extraordinary Bounder, is perfect for the job and quickly accepts, bringing along her newfound friend, Bess, an Extraordinary Speaker. Though both girls are there for a serious purpose, Daphne finds that love has a way of making itself known even at the most inconvenient of times. But what will happen when she inevitably returns to the battlefield and leaves the Captain behind?

Daphne and Finn complimented each other nicely! Daphne was headstrong, impulsive, and talkative, while Finn was reserved, steady, and quiet. I enjoyed seeing Finn come out of his shell when around Daphne, as her exuberance rubbed off on him, particularly when she Skips with him to an abandoned palace for a tour. It's an interesting change of roles, as Finn must place his life entirely in Daphne's hands. The role reversal was exciting, to say the least! I did find Daphne's behavior to be childish at times regarding her situation, considering that she was in India because she caused a man's death. It's not as if they are punishing her for no reason. She bucks up eventually, but there are moments throughout the story when her selfishness sneaks out. She checks herself and recognizes when she's doing it though, so that helps me get back on track in the story. Overall I loved her interactions with Finn, and they were a delightful couple!

As always, I highly recommend this book to my blog readers! Any book in this series is bound to be a delight, and I can't tell you how eager I am to see what's up next.

**I received a free copy via NetGalley and this is my honest review.**