A review by witandsin
Midnight Action by Elle Kennedy


My review cross-posted from Wit and Sin: http://witandsin.blogspot.com/2014/10/review-midnight-action-by-elle-kennedy.html

Midnight Action is flat-out spectacular. In a series filled with strong heroes and heroines, sinfully hot love scenes, and adrenaline-filled action, Elle Kennedy has outdone herself with her most compelling, emotional Killer Instincts book to date.

I admit, I almost didn’t want to start Midnight Action. After four books of Jim and Noelle’s tense-in-all-ways confrontations, I had incredibly high expectations for their story. Warily, I cracked the first page of Midnight Action… And didn’t set the book down until I finished it hours later. I should never have doubted Ms. Kennedy, for this book not only met, but blasted through all my expectations for Jim and Noelle. These two are the scariest of badasses – powerful, commanding, and yet strangely vulnerable. Their shared history has ensured that there’s no thin line between love and hate for them; both emotions furiously mix together, making their story intense from page one.

Though they’ve been major players throughout the Killer Instincts series, Queen of Assassins Noelle and ruthless mercenary Jim were an intriguing mystery to me. I loved peeling away the layers of their characters over the course of the story, and what I learned tugged at my heart. Ms. Kennedy does an impeccable job of weaving their past and present together, and I’m thrilled we got to see Jim and Noelle’s history. It’s not easy for these two to even work together, never mind fall in love. Both clearly loathe one another, yet even when presented with clear opportunities, neither one can kill the other. It takes an unusual set of circumstances (which I won’t spoil) to get them to team up. The fireworks when they do would put a Fourth of July celebration to shame. Quite simply, the pure passion Jim and Noelle have for one another is insanely hot. I was rooting for these two every step of the way, and though it’s an incredibly rocky road for them, Ms. Kennedy makes the journey worth it.

There is so much I’d love to say about Midnight Action but can’t, for I don’t want to spoil the story. Suffice it to say I’ve only touched on the surface and readers are in for one hell of a ride. Fans of the series will get to catch up with some of their favorite mercenaries, and man, oh man, am I eager to see what Ms. Kennedy has in store for Liam. That being said, don’t be afraid to dive into Midnight Action if you’ve never read a Killer Instincts book before – it can easily be read as a standalone.

Midnight Action rocks! It’s a tempest of emotions that’s impossible to put down, and it’s also a sizzling thrill ride that will feed the appetite of any romantic suspense lover. Don’t miss this book!

FTC Disclosure: I received this book for free from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.