A review by ameserole
The Indian in the Cupboard by Lynne Reid Banks


Found this book under my sisters bed.. because she's a hoarder and shit.. so I was so freaking happy to read this book! I remember the movie (because I also own that shit too) but for some reason I have NEVER read this book! I really need to sit down and reconsider life changes.. so that I actually read a book before it becomes a movie! MAYBE ONE DAY GUYS!

The Indian in the Cupboard brought back so many childhood memories. I loved this movie. I thought it was the shit. So diving into the book was just amazing to me. I really wanted to see if I would love it more, if not equally.

Okay, kind of cool yet creepy to visualize toys coming to life. Now these toys sound awesome.. not that creepy doll that murders people. Dolls scare the shit out of me.. those moving eyes and shit. BUT these toys and like the toy story movies.. I could totally handle them alive. I'd freak out but then enjoy the hell out of it.

Now before I wrote this review.. I definitely saw people claiming there was racism in this book. I didn't see it that way at all. I loved Little Bull and I enjoyed his broken English. English is hard enough as it is for someone who doesn't speak it as a first language. Just like when you learn spanish, french, german, or whatever language you want to learn.. it's hard as fuck and people are probably judging you for speaking weird or wrong when it comes first nature to them.

Little Bull and the cowboy are just like I remember! I wish I could remember the cowboy's name right now but I honestly can't! Yes, the cowboy does use some racial slurs.. but I assumed it was out of fear. If people don't know about something they usually assume the worst of it.

Besides the little characters, I really enjoyed Omri! This book made me so happy to see all of these characters and read the story line all over again. It definitely makes me want to re-watch the movie just for fun!

Overall, really enjoyed diving back into a childhood favorite. I'm mad that it took me so freaking long to read this book. I will probably reread it over and over again!