A review by mxphoebesviewpoint
A Woman Loved by T.B. Markinson


It is Christmas time and Sara has planned everything perfectly except the Petrie Grinches are coming and it is up to Lizzie to the save day. Lizzie, really?

Lizzie is just as surprised as we are that she is put in the role as savior of the Christmas holiday as all of the hard work and planning that Sara has put into the "perfect" holiday seems to be blowing up when one catastrophe after another happens. Some happen by nature and some happen due to certain characters, which anyone who has read the previous books will have seen coming. I am not saying much in this description as I do not want to give away any spoilers as literally this book is filled with bombshell after bombshell and Christmas is more like a war zone and even ends on a cliffhanger.

Markinson out does herself with A Woman Loved the fifth book in "A Woman Lost" series. This book showcases that you have to have read the other books because you will be lost to the impact of the shenanigans and will be able to appreciate other events that happen. Lizzie, herself, has fully grown into an adult which surprises everyone including herself which this book fully indicates. There is old ground revisited, but sometimes we think we have gotten over an incident when in reality we have not. This is an emotional growth book for many characters, so grab the tea or the popcorn because there is a lot to witness. Just remember to breathe and take bathroom breaks because Lizzie and her crew will still be there for you to pick right up where you left off...until you get to the cliffhanger. (evil laugh begins)

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