A review by crtsjffrsn
Dare to Love Forever by Jake C. Wallace


Connor Locke is a rare vampire, a Tabula Rasa. When he bites someone, he has the ability to completely wipe their memories. Because he can work this power on both humans and other vampires, he's considered dangerous by some and useful by others. But it means he needs to be careful what he does, where he goes, and who he trusts. So when he's caught stealing blood to survive, he's understandably suspicious of Lincoln Samuels, the New Vampire Justice Commander who saves Connor's life, heals his wounds, and offers to help him. But as other forces prepare to move in on Connor and use him for their own purposes, he finds Lincoln might just be the one person he can count on. And together, they might just be able to change the world.

I've found that I'm reading more vampire stories than I think I have in the past. It's not really a conscious thing; they're just the ones that are popping up on my reading list at the right time lately. But I'm also finding that I'm enjoying the stories that I'm reading more than I think I did in the past. And that's largely because I'm picking up books that are about more than the fact that a vampire is involved. There's more going on in the story. Yes, one (or more) of the main characters is a vampire, but the story doesn't revolve around that chapter after chapter after chapter. And an action romance like this one is a shining example of how to tell such a story without resorting to tropes to get through it...