A review by thereadroversbookclub
Last Day Alive by Jeneva Rose


Me oh my, what a wild ride this second installment in the Detective Kimberley King series was!

Please excuse me a moment as I gather myself and catch my breath….

I devoured this book in one sitting, ONE… SITTING! I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, Jeneva Rose is an incredible writer, her books are wicked fun as she consistently throws readers into the nitty-gritty of these thrillers she continues to write.

Last Day Alive follows Detective Kimberley King investigating the murder of one young girl and the disappearance of her friend. Per usual Jeneva fashion – she had me guessing until the final chapter of Last Day Alive, and it was a “HIGH-YAAA!” straight to the feels as the murderer was revealed and that ending… for the love of sweet Barb’s freshly baked apple pies, I did not see that ending comin’! I am eager to read future books in this series and hope you know who and you know who finally do the do already