A review by goobdiddy
I Am Malala: The Girl Who Stood Up for Education and Was Shot by the Taliban by Malala Yousafzai


I was expecting this to be a tough book to read, mainly because I find myself on the verge of weeping like a baby whenever I hear Malala speak on talk shows, etc. Hers is a truly extraordinary story, made even more so by her insistence that she's just doing what any girl would do. Through this book she paints a picture of Swat as a home, a place to be proud of, and a place to fight for, which is very different from the image that is portrayed in the media. Despite the horrifying events that happened to her, she hasn't given up, and is still giving back to the world. I was expecting to be bawling while reading her story, but instead of saying "that poor girl", I found my self saying "that amazingly powerful girl". I truly hope she succeeds in her mission to bring education to girls around the world. This is a highly recommended read for those in search of inspiration, or a good role model!