A review by chapter92
Midnight Sun by Stephenie Meyer


I am a crying mess right now. I didn't know, going into this, I would have felt exactly as I did when I was 16 and in love with Edward Cullen. And yet, here I am, dreaming about a fictional vampire again.

As an adult, I know I should point out all the things wrong with this book: like Edward's stalking tendencies but honestly? I'm not here for it. We forget he's a fictional character, living in a fictional world so no, I'm not mad or annoyed and worried at all and I also don't feel bad about it.

Obviously, it's not a masterpiece but, for someone who's been waiting for this book to come out for probably more than twelve years, this is the closest thing to it. And it's not about the writing, or the story: it's about that feeling of belonging that I was missing. That falling in love for the first time, the dreaming about him, the desire to touch. It's all that and more.

One thing I have to point out because obviously, this book is double the length of Twilight and there's a reason for it: Edward thinks a lot. Yes, I did love knowing what he was thinking when I was constantly in Bella's mind, seeing things through her human eyes but Jesus, breathe mate.

But yes, definitely the highlight of this year for me, also because there's a certain feeling of serendipity in how this book got in my hands. Basically, Twilight is the book that really got me into reading. For most people it was Harry Potter, for me, it was Edward Cullen that made me want to stay home and read until my eyes burned. I was so into these books that sometimes - okay, a lot of times, probably always? - I even forgot to study or do my homework. Sometimes I even read for hours on hours, forgetting about time. It was Twilight that made me start a blog, made me itching for someone to talk about it, about books in general from that point on. And today, as I'm making my way into the blogging world and have the chance to get books to review, I got the book in the mail from a Publisher.

So thank you, Atom Books, for this gift, it really felt like Christmas. Like the happiest, most beautiful day in my life.