A review by ralowe
Economies of Abandonment: Social Belonging and Endurance in Late Liberalism by Elizabeth A. Povinelli


this book is crazy! it is a posthumanist tale of two worlds, misery and the good life, and their entrenched relationship in neoliberalism. it's very vogue i guess in a brand of writing, and this is an excellent companion piece to cruel optimism in that it concentrates on a notion similar to lauren berlant's lateral agency. it talks about the exhaustion enforced on various lifeworlds by late liberalism, and in the last chapter talks about how the separation of church and state allows for the state to operate even more powerfully through the methodology of christianity in the west. but this book is all over the place! elizabeth povinelli is a mind after my own heart. we go from charles burnett to austrailian aboriginal cultures to animal rights all in writing that is blow-you-away original. she stresses the importance of alternative outsider worlds although capitalism makes them near impossible, and makes the point that if they were suddenly 'possible' under hegemony they might stop being necessary, but all without romanticizing the durative ongoingness that is always also in the sacrificial past tense for the sake of a future for the status quo. omg read this book already!!!