A review by jlarinda
The Heroes of Olympus (The Lost Hero / The Sun of Neptun / The Mark of Athena) by Rick Riordan


I'd quite enjoyed PJO even if I found it a little bland overall, with Thalia, Nico and Tyson being the most enjoyable bits for me... and then this sequel happened.

I was instantly drawn in and fell in love hardcore with Leo, and found myself enjoying Piper, Hazel, Frank and the other new characters so much more than the "eternally fixated with each other" Percy and Annabeth. It was also wonderful to read about Thalia again (any moment the Hunters show up is a highlight for me), or the much greater insight into Nico's character.

I think the lowest parts of it were the bits by the Tartarus. It was eternal misery that became a drag to read about, only to end up with zero resolution to them - you'd think Percy and Annabeth would've been kissing the ground once they got back to the normal Earth, but they seemed both fine within five minutes.

OTOH, the bits of Leo and Calypso were my absolute favorite pages in all of RiRi's books and their little love story the best of all the romantic shenanigans in the books. It was such great development for Leo and they're such a perfect match.

Other highlights being Festus's everything, Hazel's backstory (& her & Sammy & Leo!), again the Hunters, the added diversity to the main characters, and, well, the resolution to the whole story.

I overall enjoyed it so much I read the entire thing in about ten days. The things I do for Leo.