A review by jamies_shelves
The Seafarer's Kiss by Julia Ember


This story had so many amazing elements. It was a retelling, it involved mermaids, it had mythology, it's LGBT! It could have been so amazing! But for me it just fell very flat.

This book had a ton of different elements to it (as listed above), so this story could have been so intricate and amazing. Instead it tried to fit about three different plots into only 230 pages. If you like really easy fast reads this book could be for you. I just tend to prefer good world building and character development over that.

I feel like everything was resolved so quickly so that it could all fit in this short book. One chapter was all it took for full plots to be taken care of.

If this book was fleshed out more I think it could have been something amazing. I wanted to be invested in the characters and this world, I really did. I just feel like I don't know them.