A review by astheplotthickens24
Percy Jackson's Greek Heroes by Rick Riordan


Awesome in all ways possible! That's what this book is. The retellings were so cool and fantastic! I never thought that Theseus died in disgrace with the minotaur stuff and all, I thought he died bravely but he didn't and there's Hercules and Jason who were both killed or made miserable by their wives, Hercules loved his wife so much but his wife unintentionally poisoned him because of her insecurities and Medea the b**** made Jason's life horrible by killing random people (including her children)

Psyche's story made me cry a little and that was at least a happy tear but Jason's life just surely sucks that I feel really bad for him. Up until now I never knew that the stories I've read about these brave heroes were not accurate or at the very least incomplete. Uncle Rick just gave me a whole lot of knowledge about Greek myths and I think I picked up some moral lessons too. One, is that: NEVER GET INVOLVED WITH HERA
Three, RUN AWAY FROM HERA. Which of course are not the same at all.