A review by cutenanya
Game by Barry Lyga


Game is the sequel to I hunt killers, a story about the son of the most infamous serial killer. I really loved I hunt killers because Jasper is such a refreshing character. Usually, in murder mysteries, you get the good guys vs. bad guys, but Jasper is like a lotus, with roots in the muddy water, but still emerges beautifully from it. Of course, with a major cliffhanger like this, it is really hard to judge the plot until reading the conclusion (which hopefully will be great) in the next book.

Although I gave it a 5 star (because I really love the premise and characters in this book), there are still some problems with the plot, in particular, the pacing. The beginning was too slow and dragged on a bit. The characters, Connie in particular, is too "dumb", not in terms of intelligence (actually, she probably is even smarter than Jasper in that area), it's more about her being reckless and not "think" before acting.

I am so glad I did not read this book when it first came out and waited so that I would not have to sustain the torture of not having the next book right away.