A review by angelreads
High Heat by Annabeth Albert


I received an earc of High Heat by Annabeth Albert from Carina Press via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. This has in no way influenced my thoughts and feelings about a book. 

I was looking forward to High Heat. I enjoyed book one in the series as well as Annabeth Albert's previous book. But this one just wasn't for me. From the start, I wasn't clicking with the characters or the story. Which I found strange. I enjoyed Garrick in the first book and I was so looking forward to getting to know him more. But as soon as I was in his perspective, it fell flat to me. 

Both Garrick and Rain were both interesting characters, but that is what they felt like; characters. I love when an author can make me see their characters as real people, but I didn't feel that here. They were entertaining and I liked getting to know them. But they were just on the page.

Garrick is this tough guy that wants to get to the job he was going before the accident. But he can't and it takes him a long time to realise that. I enjoyed seeing this. You all know me I love seeing different types of disabilities in books, and I really liked the way that Annabeth Albert explored it here. Garrett wasn't only dealing with the physical pain of his injury, but also the mental. I think that Albert had a great balance of this. 

Rain was such a character - he did make me laugh several times. But then there were times where I felt that his personality took over the story in High Heat instead of helping it. If that makes any sense at all. 

Overall, I was disappointed with High Heat by Annabeth Albert. I was really looking forward to Garrett's story, but I was disappointed with the outcome. The romance was something that I liked, but I felt the characters were a little flat. I enjoyed the representation of disability and the many aspects that come with it. But the plot didn't grab me. I might continue with the series - I will just have to wait and see.