A review by jackgoss
Lady Oracle by Margaret Atwood


Lady Oracle was Atwood's third book and its clear how much of it turned out to be practice at things she'd do better in other novels.

Non-linear time lines. Check.
Multiple identities. Check.
Novels within the novel. Check.
Childhood bullies. Check.
Spiritualism. Check.
Impending sense of doom. Check.

Between Cat's Eye, Alias Grace and Blind Assassin, 1/2 of this book is covered. And that list only includes things from the other Atwood books I've read! There are so many more I haven't read. Parts of chapter 6 could have fit directly into Cat's Eye with only name changes!

In all my rating is a solid ★★★
Entertaining and engaging, but not the spectacular that I keep hoping for based on my love of A Handmaid's Tale and Alias Grace. Like Cat's Eye, I'm left feeling pretty ambivalent. I think I'll take an Atwood break for a while, but I will of course come back to her.