A review by juliaehill
On a Night of a Thousand Stars by Andrea Yaryura Clark


Rounded up to 3 stars. Read through this quickly, partly because I was home sick and it fit the bill for not requiring much brainpower. The writing style was clunky, and read like a tourist brochure for Buenos Aires half the time, and a mediocre history lesson on Argentina in the 70s mixed with romance novel for another chunk of the book. Completely unrealistic timeline for the storyline set in the late 90s (where is this privileged girl from New York City finding time to do "research" on the desparecidos in the pre-smartphone age, all while she is constantly running around BA looking for clues to her father's past?). Much better fiction out there on Argentina in the 70s (Loedel's "Hades" was fantastic, if not so fact-driven as this book), but this is an ok intro if you want an easy read.