A review by pgchuis
The Deaths by Mark Lawson


The story of four rich couples who live in big houses in a commuter village in Buckingham. It is clear almost from the beginning that one of the husbands has killed his dogs, children and wife and then himself, but for most of the book the reader is not sure which family has died, while the preceding months are described in flashback. While it took me a while to get it straight in my mind who was married to whom, I never managed to work out whose children were whose.

There are lots of details which root the book firmly in the near past and make it seem very real - I have fond memories of using the self-scan service at Waitrose (although I always scanned every single item in my trolley!) Throughout I found it very well-observed and characters such as Jenno's clients at the CAB will stay with me. The solution is satisfactory - the clues are there - but I could have done without the very ending.