A review by fuad
The Mad Ship by Robin Hobb


[b:The Mad Ship|12479393|The Mad Ship (Liveship Traders, #2)|Robin Hobb|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1578990457l/12479393._SY75_.jpg|2571145] (Liveship Traders,#2 Realm of the Elderlings,#3) by [a:Robin Hobb|25307|Robin Hobb|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1397885202p2/25307.jpg]
loved the writing style and the story. Book 2 in this series reinforced the idea for me that Hobb has no qualms with really putting her characters through some hardships. It seems like every time I think that things are really going to have to turn around, she manages to squeeze a little more pain into their lives.
Open your eyes. This horrible mess is your life. There is no sense in waiting for it to get better. Stop putting it off and live it.

Amazing book...