A review by stevenk
Testimony by Scott Turow


The first of the Kindle County Legal Thriller series I've read, it didn't really take place in Kindle County, or have much courtroom work, it was mostly the investigation following up on a witnesses testimony. Bill ten Boom is tapped by the International Criminal Court in the Hague to prosecute the alleged massacre of 400 Roma during the aftermath of the Bosnian War and his follow up takes him in on an adventure. There are a lot of tangent plotlines that relate to the main story in various ways, cover-ups, lies, affairs, broken marriages, family histories that are touched on but then are kind of left hanging and the resolution of the main mystery was less than satisfying but overall the fictionalized take on some real life events made for an entertaining mystery. I received a free copy of this book through Goodreads First Reads giveaways.