A review by lunaseassecondaccount
Ink Exchange by Melissa Marr


I first read [b:Wicked Lovely|305234|Wicked Lovely (Wicked Lovely, #1)|Melissa Marr|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1327814035s/305234.jpg|296240] five years ago, and I remember very little of it. I rated it five stars, though, and I still own a copy of it, so that's telling me I really enjoyed it. Given I went out and bought a copy of Ink Exchange at some point (probably shortly after I read the first book) means I must have really enjoyed it.

But I remember none of it.

So there's that.

Going back into this series so blind has no doubt effected my reading of it. As I went through the book, parts of it started coming back, but the biggest thing I kept picking up on is that this book is a lot darker than its predecessor. While Wicked Lovely did have an urban grunge feeling to it, I remember it being lighter. This book is very dark and rough.

What bothered me the most is that Leslie gets no happy ending. She was gang raped before the novel started, she lives in squalor with an absentee father and a drug-fueled brother who sold her to his dealer. She gets lured into the faerie world by no fault of her own. She finds a glimmer of hope when she gets a tattoo- something purely to make her happy- but winds up being chained to the king of the Dark Court. While it's rather hazy on whether she gets raped repeatedly by him, she is used, again and again, and apparently this is 'okay' because she's roofied the whole time... meanwhile, when she was gang raped, she was equally roofied.

In saying that, I do kind of want to keep reading this series... eventually. I'm pretty doped up with anesthesia at the moment that's wearing off, so rambling review is rambling.

But yeah.
