A review by oncemorewithreading
We Just Clicked by Anna Bell


I’m always very much on the fence when it comes to books revolving around social media. I’ve read a few previously and really disliked them but after reading the synopsis for We Just Clicked I had a feeling this would change my mind and it did!

I really liked Izzy, I thought she was funny and incredibly strong. This book deals with the grief she had from losing her brother and trying to work her way up the Instagram ladder in hopes to make him proud. Izzy had her flaws but in the end that made her more realistic and relatable. I also loved the dynamic between Izzy and her best friends!

There were times in this book that drove me slightly insane and left me screaming at Izzy and the other characters. Whilst I love a good fake dating trope there were times when I just wanted Izzy to focus on her real life and not the one she had fabricated with Luke, who I honestly hated.

This book hits the spot with its use of social media. We sometimes become so wrapped up in how many likes we get, how many followers we have and staying interactive with others that we forget to look after ourselves and make sure we are living in the moment. I’m definitely one of those people who spends too much time on Instagram but I recognise when it’s not healthy and take time away to focus on my mental health.

We Just Clicked is a light-hearted, hilarious, banter-filled novel that will leave you wanting more. It is a story about grief, the seduction of fame and living in the moment.

Thank you to NetGalley and HQ for providing me with a copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.