A review by perilous1
The Lifecycle of Software Objects by Ted Chiang


2.5 Stars

My least favorite work by Ted Chiang, thus far.

This longish novella reads much like an idea study rather than a character study. The pacing is slow, taking place over the course of at least a decade. The two primary humans the story follows are pretty bland, as personalities go--and we're given little to no background on any early events or relationships that shaped them. So, I suspect other readers may find it difficult to connect with any of the characters to any meaningful extent.

In a reductionist nutshell, this is a look at Tamagotchis... taken to the furthest technologically probable and logically likely conclusion.
i.e. the child-like digital creatures being sold into positively portrayed sex work.

Believable, I suppose--knowing humanity. But depressing, none the less.

I was actually hoping this might have some sequel that would examine things like standardized evaluation of ability to consent, or the psychological consequences of artificial beings being sexualized and exploited... But the story just ends abruptly. And so far, there doesn't seem to be any follow up.