A review by richardwells
A Million Heavens by John Brandon


I love libraries, and I love librarians who take a chance on books that may not make it to the best-seller lists. (I don't know how they choose, but if anyone would like to enlighten me, I'd appreciate it.) Here in Seattle/King County we have great librarians. In the past year I've taken a chance on five books that ended up to be 4/5 star titles. All from the library, all off the shelves on a whim - lucky me. A Million Heavens makes it six.

A child prodigy who taps the universal chords for all of 30 seconds falls into a coma. The six or so other characters tracked in this novel are all touched by that incident - some more directly than others, but all within the orbit. John Brandon does a terrific job of giving life to each of the characters, and a few others on the periphery. This is a book about the good we do to and for one another, even with some bad mixed in, and I think the entire work is a love hymn of sorts. It's the most optimistic read of the year for me. It also takes place between Albuquerque and Santa Fe, and I love the SW as much as I love libraries.

It lost a star in its ultimate resolution, but it kept me hanging on to the very end, even if the ending confused me. Ah well, on the great whole it's a book to enjoy, and to think about. Well worth the read.