A review by papalbina
Meant to Be by Lauren Morrill


I think my biggest problem with this book is that the ending feels quite rushed, like in a romantic comedy movie when after the big fight the two MC have a quick heart-to-heart and kiss and the movie ends leaving you unsatisfied. Beside that, my other problem with the book is that there are a lot of fortuitous situations I couldn't quite believe
Spoiler(especially the whole running away and ending up in Jason's old home)
. Too forced, too much and too many to suspend my disbelief while reading. Nop.

I understood Julia's personality, because I'm similar to her in some ways. What I couldn't stand was the way she lost control (and her pants) every time she thought about Mark or when she was with him. It was so bizarre and discouraging to see a reasonable person losing it that way, even for a teenager *roll*

And then the thing that annoyed me as hell from this book: why, oh why do you need to break the rules to have fun? Why do you need to drink for that? Why Jason cannot understand that Julia have fun visiting castles and theaters and reading in her guidebooks and knowing random facts about those places? It makes me really, really angry every time he tells her he thought she could use some fun. Why on Earth "fun" has to mean the same for everybody? Really! It annoys the hell out of me. I've been fighting against those ideas my whole life and I grit my teeth every time I have to read this kind of ideas in a book. Seriously, no! For some people staying at home with a book and/or a movie is more fun than anything in the world, accept it! ¬¬

After the rant, I will only say that the second read didn't help the book, but I still think it's a good summer/vacation read :)