A review by sophhieee
Ziggy, Stardust and Me by James Brandon

Did not finish book. Stopped at 42%.
dnf on page 156

cw homophobia, racism, conversion therapy,  usage of slurs (against indigenous and lgbt people)

i love david bowie, and i like reading books set in the 70s so you’d think i’d like this book but NOOOOOOO

the characters were all so immature and i don’t think the writing style helped with that at all. i don’t know how many more unnecessarily ellipses and weird sound effects i could’ve handled before i started to go insane. i usually don’t mind first person, i even prefer it sometimes, but being inside of johnathan’s head was so unpleasant. you can only make so many bad things happen to one character before it just starts coming off as trauma porn.

p.s. the fact that this was written by a white man rubs me the wrong way