A review by whendevreads
Rule Number Five by Jessa Wilder


I have very mixed feelings about this book.

I almost DNF’d this book before I made it 1/3 of the way through. Jax’s POV was almost insufferable at first. The continued descriptions of Sidney as this “quirky” girl who wore thigh high socks & pleated skirts gave me the vibe of the 2014 tumblr girls and I felt that it was super cringey.

However, once the story really got in motion, the descriptors were really set aside and we got to know the characters on their own words & actions. By the time I made it halfway through the book, Sidney was no longer cringey and Jax was no longer insufferable. I think the author did a really good job of creating good characters, she just isn’t the best at creating the image of what the character looks like. I also think the spice made up for any cringeyness that occurred throughout the rest of the book.

Overall, I liked this book and am glad I didn’t DNF it.

spice level: