A review by meganmargoking
Torchwood: Skypoint by Phil Ford


Torchwood: SkyPoint had the distinct honor of being the only Torchwood novel Mr. Ford has had written and of being the last novel that featured main characters Owen Harper and Toshiko Sato.

As you see on the cover, Toshiko was huge. She covers 3/4 of the cover! It was really distracting to read this book with such a large Toshiko on the front cover. I'd be reading and then flip to the cover. Read some more and then flip to the cover. I think it was the biggest character I have seen on any of the Torchwood covers so far. I had no clue what they were trying to do with the background behind Tosh though. They had an opportunity and failed. The back cover however features a tall apartment building by the bay. So we can presume this is SkyPoint.

There were actually 30 chapters in this book. You wouldn't believe it if you saw the slimness of the actual book. I did the math (yes I did math... with a calculator) and each chapter was about 8 pages long. Pretty short chapters for a book of this size.

This novel was basically a love letter to Owen and Tosh. A last novelization for them before the end of season 2. The majority of the book was either in Tosh or Owen's POV. Don't get me wrong, each member of the team had a POV chapter. But since Tosh and Owen 'make their home' at SkyPoint for the operation, they were the main focus of the novel. The book even ended with a sappy Owen/Tosh(ish) moment. The author in his acknowledgements mentioned both Burn Gorman and Naoko Mori who played Owen and Tosh respectively.

Phil Ford liked to throw canon in your face as if it was a pie, and than smash it so he made sure all the cream got in all your crevices. What I meant was, Mr. Ford 'mentioned' something canon, from the TV show in every chapter. Almost every five pages. He forced the same facts on you again and again. It was like he was trying to get these facts into your skull. If you had seen the TV show, you know this stuff. It really does not bare repetition on this scale. However, if you hadn't seen the show or had seen little of it I can see where this would be useful. I thought it was cool at first but after a while...

Mr. Ford tried to 'give' an explanation as to why Gwen kept her maiden name. In fact, for a good part of the book she was referred to as Gwen Williams. But then for really no reason at all, she called up Rhys and said honey, I'm keeping my maiden name. Yeah.

I actually really liked this Torchwood novel. I thought Phil Ford did a great job. This book could be a little freaky if you are in the process of moving to a new place or have just moved into your new place. It was also has really dark themes about death; this was Torchwood and Owen.

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