A review by thegeekyblogger
The Art of Seducing a Naked Werewolf by Molly Harper


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Actual Rating 3.75

What I Loved: If ever there was a book boyfriend for me, it is Nick! He is smart, geeky (talking Star Trek and may have invented a game similar to WOW-geeky), research nerd, and all around hottie (forgiving that blonde thing, I just ignored it)! I fell in love from the moment he hit the page and never looked back. Loved that he knew that he wanted Maggie from the beginning and never was ashamed of that. Oh sure, he was adorably awkward at times and sometimes blunt but they just added to his charm!

What I Liked: Maggie, which by the way was a big leap. I did not like Scrappy Doo much at all in the first book. This one she grew on me but it took awhile. Once she did though, I was really rooting for her and Nick. The side story, which I won't giveaway, was done really well too. In a pack/tribe mentality type of way, I thought it rang true and the resolution was fantastic!

Complaints: None

Why I gave a 3.75: I liked the first book a smidge more than this one so I had to rate them different. This one is going into the snort club too though and was a highly enjoyable read!

Who I would recommend it too: PNR readers who like the lighter fair and aren't afraid to laugh!