A review by june_englit_phd
The Captive of Kensington Palace by Jean Plaidy


If you want a captivating insight into the history of the monarchy, you must read the books by Jean Plaidy. I can guarantee that once you start one of her books, you'll not put it down!

In this novel, the first of three for this monarch, she gives us an insight into the childhood of Queen Victoria. The plottings, conniving, match-making that went on in the Royal Palaces beggars belief. Plaidy being each individual to life in a very effective way, so right from the start I wanted to "boo" every time the Duke of Cumberland entered the scene, and as for John Conway and the Duchess of Kent - they drove me nuts! I love the portrait Plaidy gives of Victoria as being such a saintly person (right from the episode of the doll in the shop up until the end of the book when she reaches her eighteenth birthday).

So, to sum up, if you want to brush up on your knowledge of Queen Victoria, you MUST read this book. I'm off to start the sequel now!