A review by adam_tries_books
Bang Bang, You're Dead by Evan Baldock


So I ended up reading this book in a day which isn’t something I normally do! But I just didn’t want to put it down!

This is the story of a granny turned vigilante and if that doesn’t get you interested then nothing will!

This book contains an interesting array of characters, of course Gloria our main character is the most interesting but there are plenty of other characters which I enjoyed. A personal favourite is Lily, Gloria’s close friend, she provides some great comic relief.

I enjoyed the fact that we also got to see the police’s perspective of the investigation into this new vigilante. It was interesting getting a glimpse into how a case like this might operate for the police and the pressures they can be put under.

One really fascinating question brought up by this book was the view the public may take towards a vigilante who is seen to be targeting less desirable members of the community. Would you support a vigilante if they seemed to be improving the community through murder?

Overall a thoroughly enjoyable read that I would highly recommend! A bit more lighthearted than many crime novels but just as good!