A review by louandlife
Tarnished Crown by Erin Watt


It was nice getting to know Gideon Royal a bit more. I think him, and the twins were the least developed characters in the series that I've wanted to get to know. It's also nice to get to know Savannah more, because she wasn't that present in [b:Paper Princess|28678119|Paper Princess (The Royals, #1)|Erin Watt|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1476744953s/28678119.jpg|48870448], [b:Broken Prince|29519514|Broken Prince (The Royals, #2)|Erin Watt|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1464248584s/29519514.jpg|49812102], and [b:Twisted Palace|29519517|Twisted Palace (The Royals, #3)|Erin Watt|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1474992523s/29519517.jpg|49812105]. She was probably more talked about, then actually in the books. I also liked seeing their relationship in the beginning, and the present day (although I didn't like the constant flashback technique). What let me down with this book is that I just wanted more. I would have gladly read a full book on their relationship, and seeing how Gideon would have gotten Savannah to forgive him, and then their relationship, and the reaction from the Royal brothers/Ella upon finding out the news that they're back together again. This short story just felt too short, and simplistic, but I consider it a compliment if I wanted more from a story, because it means that I am invested enough to want more. I also got creeped out at every Dinah appearance, and I didn't like the flashbacks because I knew what the end result would be. But overall, it was a nice, short edition to the Royals series, and I hope to see Gideon/Savannah in [b:Fallen Heir|33807229|Fallen Heir (The Royals, #4)|Erin Watt|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1501528398s/33807229.jpg|54711950], and [b:Cracked Kingdom|34705684|Cracked Kingdom (The Royals, #5)|Erin Watt|https://s.gr-assets.com/assets/nophoto/book/50x75-a91bf249278a81aabab721ef782c4a74.png|55885602].