A review by bookbloggerjanine
A Parent Apart by Gary Wright


A Parent Apart by Gary Wright
I give this book 4.5 stars

In Beachbrook, on a trip to the beach Andrew had a choice to make. A decision no parent should have to face, but one that sets in motion a tragic series of events.

With the decision came a dark secret, one that Andrew thought he could keep hidden from his family, his friends and the police.

Two families collide as grief-fuelled recriminations expose the human flaws that haunt us all. The protection of self, the security of family and the fear of losing it all.

This is such a powerful and heartbreaking well written debut novel.lt is cleverly narrated by all the main characters so you get the different points of view to one tragic event and the consequences and devastation that occur afterwards as a result of that split second decision.Once l started it l just couldn’t put it down.l was totally gripped in what unfolded,an extremely thought provoking and emotional read!