A review by elxa
Slaughterhouse-Five by Kurt Vonnegut


There is a chapter in “Slaughterhouse-Five”, where the protagonist; Billy Pilgrim watches a war film in reverse and that is one of the most heartbreaking and yet subtly written thing I’ve ever read. As this scene plays it appears like an entire city ravaged by war is being rebuilt by soldiers using their weapons and finally they box of these weapons to their home countries.

I heard Vonnegut wrote “Slaughterhouse-Five” at a time when war was glorified across nations and especially in America. The author being a POW in WW2 talks about how war felt for the ones who had to fight it and had to be in its forefront taking the hits; let it be civilians or a 12yo posed as a soldier because all the adult men are dead or dismembered or both.

However “Slaughterhouse-Five” is not a sob story. It is exceptionally funny and offers comic relief while telling its truth. There is also some time travel, which I’m guessing was also novel at the time Vonnegut wrote this. The time travel could be real, or it might simply be a manifestation of the PTSD the protagonist was going through; we would never know which.