A review by brokenrecord
My Fair Duchess by Megan Frampton


3-3.5 stars. This was decent. I loved the letters between Archie and Genevieve, and their interaction in general was pretty fun. I did get really annoyed at how often it had to be pointed out that Archie was super attractive. It was seriously like every single section from Genevieve's POV, there had to be at least one reference to how hot he was. At a certain point, it was like, we get it, he's hot, there has to be something else that's good about him that you could mention once in a while. I mean there was one point where she realizes that Miss Clarkson is her second adult friend, and then adds as an aside: "Although not as bewitchingly handsome as the first," referring of course to Archie, and it's likeā€¦ why is this necessary??? She's talking about her relationship with Miss Clarkson, it literally has NOTHING to do with Archie, it's in the 15th chapter of a 31 chapter book so it's not like we're just being introduced to how she sees him (this is like the 15th instance of her remarking on how attractive he is at this point), it's just so unnecessary. And in the very next chapter, she meets with some other dude, and OF COURSE has to comment that, while he was good looking, he of course did not approach Archie's "splendor," but he was more approachable than Archie considering how "frighteningly attractive" Archie was. It was honestly beyond parody. I think maybe the purpose was to demonstrate how attracted to Archie Genevieve was?? But that's just a really lazy and clunky way of trying to accomplish that, and it really started bugging me as the story went on. Show me that she's attracted to him rather than just telling me how attractive she finds him every other page. Anyways, the relationship development happened a little too quickly for my tastes as well (I read a lot of reviews that said the romance in this was a slow burn, and ?????????? If the hero and heroine
Spoilermake out before the halfway point in a normal length (aka not 10000 page) book
, IT'S NOT A SLOW BURN, at least not in my view), but I still enjoyed them overall.