A review by longtimereader
Written in Fire by Marcus Sakey


The end of the series. I'm still not at all fond of Nick Cooper. He did get back with his wife, but his affair is just glossed over. That didn't add up for me. Why would you keep this guy?

War, yes... big wars. We have have use of words I don't feel added to the book at all. The "hero" is practically using mid-evil torture on people!

The whole series fizzles and disappoints. The write up when I started reading this series seemed like it would be good. This is not good like x-men, or Heros or anything similar. Over all it isn't worth the time that I spent reading it. I know that is harsh to say, but I prefer much more depth to my books and something that leaves me with a connection to the winning side. This series was unable to do that.

My copy came from Net Galley in exchange for my honest review.