A review by antifragile_tactical
Damn Fine Story: Mastering the Tools of a Powerful Narrative by Chuck Wendig


This is in the top 3 books about writing I've ever read, and I've read most of them. Chuck Wendig writes in the most engaging fashion when he's spurring you to improve your craft, and - well, I was going to say this book is no exception, but in fact it surpasses even the excellent pieces he's put out in the past. Using a mix of personal anecdote, family anecdote (oh man, do I wish I could have met Chuck's father!), pop culture references, and some of the most creative profanity I've ever seen in print, Chuck dispenses wisdom about how to write in such an inspiring and memorable manner that I had to pry myself away from the keyboard each night after reading a chapter. Every section I finished gave me new ideas about how to take my writing to the next level, or made me question the very foundations of the story I'm working on (in a productive way), or reinforced the lessons I already understood at a subconscious level but could never have actually explained using, ya know, my words. The book is laid out in a well-structured manner, with cohesive chapters and interludes that serve to reinforce the learning the reader has just gone through. And, Chuck being Chuck, he just couldn't resist finishing with an extra list of "50 Things You Should Know As A Writer." If you're an author - of any degree of experience - I'd advise you to read this fun, accessible, beautifully informative book.