A review by alidottie
When Books Went to War: The Stories that Helped Us Win World War II by Molly Guptill Manning


I loved this story--and even more so because it is true! How wonderful to see such an effort made to bring reading material to the US troops during WWII. Even more wonderful to see how using reading to get relief from their circumstances changed many men into readers who never were before. I love that it changed so many lives for the better when they came home and pursued educations--often influenced by material they read during war.

One of my favorite facts is that the very first book (A-1) in the first series of pocket-sized books that was published specifically for the military was "The Education of HYMAN Kaplan" one of my favorite books. It was fun to hear how the men read it and laughed out loud like I did decades later. Another favorite of the soldiers and of mine was "A Tree Grows in Brooklyn."

I can't help but wonder how time has changed this. Do troops in remote areas with little outside entertainment read very much today? It is a shame if they don't.