A review by eesh25
Christmas Wish List by N.R. Walker


4.5 Stars

This is my favourite Christmas book so far. It is just the sweetest story that still requires some suspension of disbelief because the MCs have to fall in love in less than a week. But I've always believed that if an author can execute a romance well enough, then it shouldn't matter how many days it takes. And Walker definitely executes it well.

The story follows Cass and Jayden. Cass moved back to his hometown of Hartbrigde after his divorce and started working in a B&B. And three years later, he's about to welcome his first guests. Jayden is his chef for the holidays. Jayden is an Aussie ex-pat who moves around a lot. But recently, he's become disenchanted with the life of a wanderer and wants to find a home. Of course, he doesn't expect that home to be in Hartbridge.

The story is set in the few days leading up to Christmas. Cass and Jayden click almost immediately, in that they like to talk to each other and spend time together. Jayden is in awe of how sweet, humble, and hardworking Cass is. And Cass loves Jayden's generosity and free spirit.

Saying that Cass and Jayden are adorable together would be an understatement. The two of them are so fucking cute, and I couldn't stop smiling the whole book. The story is entirely free of angst, yet there's not a dull moment as the protagonists spend their days working, talking and flirting (lots of flirting). They spend a lot of quality time getting to know each other. And that, plus the lightheartedness of the book, was what really sold the romance for me.

I liked the first book in the series too, but it felt like there wasn't enough, or that something was missing. Nothing was missing here. I loved Cass and Jayden together, I loved the setting, and I loved the warmth of the tone. This was a very sweet story, and I highly recommend it.