A review by toadlett
A Spell in the Wild: A Year (and Six Centuries) of Magic by Alice Tarbuck


 I don't know anything about modern witchcraft, but I write about magic a lot in my own work so this seemed an interesting and fun starting point to learn more. It was so much more than that. Tarbuck's brand of witchcraft, her ways of explaining how magic fits into her world and of relating that back to all kinds of areas of history and nature, was fascinating and deeply inolving. I chose to read it a month at a time, over the past year, and each chapter has inspired me one way or another - my copy is now covered in notes - and conversely, reading each chapter encouraged me to do things that expand my own ttempts to connect with nature more deeply. I made rosehip syrup from the scraggly buhes that grow in the part of glasgow where I live. I looked at the little rituals and traditions that mark my year with fresh eyes, and found them more significant, more plugged in to history than I realised. a fantastic book, well worth reading whether or not you consider yourself a witch.