A review by billyjepma
Shadow Fall by Alexander Freed


This is exactly the kind of book I was hoping for.

All the things I liked about the first one are here, but tighter, smarter, and deeper. The characters are spaced out this time around, so while we don’t see them operate as a team as much, Freed did so well developing their group dynamic in the first book that splitting them up (more or less) in this one let him delve deeper into their psyches in ways that really, genuinely worked. Where the first book set the tone and plot in motion; “Shadow Fall” took its cast of hurting, desperate, fracturing soldiers and turned them into a menagerie of grief, trauma, and bravery. I’m in love with these characters and haven’t felt this invested in original Star Wars characters since “Star Wars Rebels.”

Hero or villain, Freed writes with precision and pathos, infiltrating the mind’s of even his most pensive characters and mining them for the kind of drama and conflict that make this book rank among the very best in the “new” Star Wars canon.

I can’t wait to see how the next book finishes off this trilogy.