A review by bibliobrandie
Ballad & Dagger by Daniel José Older


Loved this fantasy set in a secret world that has origins in Afro-Caribbean culture and religious traditions from Santeria and Sephardic Judaism. There's political intrigue, pirates, diaspora, teenage crushes, ghosts, secret histories and a secret island! Older weaves all this all together in satisfying and humorous adventure.

16 year old Mateo and Chela must join forces to unravel the mystery behind their sunken homeland and to stop a dangerous political operative who is trying to unleash terror on the world. They must come to terms with some dark secrets of their homeland, San Madrigal, a Caribbean island that sank when Mateo was a baby and that has been kept hidden from history books and maps, and decide if it's better to keep the knowledge hidden from people who like to think of their island in only the most positive way (very similar to how people in the US are trying to do with our own history). At the same time they are teens and are questioning their own identities and their place in the world and developing crushes. Older really gets the teen voice right with these characters and cleverly integrates languages, music, foods, and other cultural elements with some excellent world building. This first book in the duology ends on a satisfying cliffhanger, leaving readers excited for the conclusion. Will definitely appeal to Riordan fans.