A review by girvinia
An Open Heart by Caroline Warfield


I wanted to like this book. And I did, more or less, up until about 2/3 of the way through. Then it all goes to pieces when Adam comes to the house party to find out whether Esther would welcome his affections. It's supposed to be a sign of his respect, but he does this by ... kissing her. What?? What is wrong with words. Words! How about a little "Your father is heading this way with a matchmaker but before they arrive I must know, would you welcome a match?" There, I just did it for him!

Also, he's sharing a room with someone with brown skin and the author refers to that person as "exotic looking." Nope.

I could perhaps get over this if I loved the rest of the book, but actually, while the stories of the MCs were interesting enough on their own, they felt like two different stories thrown together.

What I did love was how Esther negotiated the wedding contract. That part was great.