A review by agameofbooks
Da Vinci's Tiger by L.M. Elliott


Da Vinci's Tiger is a story of platonic loves and muses in 15th century Florence. Seventeen-year-old Ginevra de Benci meets a young Leonardo da Vinci who is commissioned to paint her portrait for her platonic love, Bernardo Bembo. Through painting and making groundbreaking portrait decisions for that time the artist and his subject grow very close while the Florentine intrigues determine the background for this story.

I enjoyed reading about the 15th century Italian setting, however, the plot itself was quite tedious. Nothing truly happened throughout the book in my opinion. The emphasis was too much on Ginevra's thoughts - which were always about how to function as an intellectual woman in a world where women's lives were determined by men. The few events that did take place were not explained in enough detail or lenghth to make them able to carry the story. Not the best historical fiction I've ever read.