A review by lauriereadsrom1
Christmas Kisses & Wishes by Sharon Kleve


This was a sweet, albeit short, holiday romance. I didn't realize before I started reading that it is book 2 in a series, but this book stands very well on its own. I enjoyed the small town setting, and the secondary characters were well-developed and interesting. Finn, the heroine, was also remarkably well developed given the length of the story, but I would have liked to get to know Keaton, the hero, a bit better. I didn't learn much about him other than that he was a veterinarian and that he had never been married before.

Beyond that, the book contained some typos (e.g. "prefect" instead of "perfect") and grammatical errors (e.g. "its" instead of "it's"), but fortunately they didn't detract from the story. Overall, it was a pleasant, quick read, and I wouldn't hesitate to pick up another of Ms. Kleve's books in the future.

*Complimentary copy of the Kindle edition provided by the author in exchange for an honest review.