A review by bookgirl4ever
Clementine by Sara Pennypacker


Clementine means well, but her attempts to help others out are a bit destructive. Take Margaret's hair for instance. Clementine noticed that Margaret had been on a bathroom break for quite a long time. She asks her teacher permission to go to the restroom and finds Margaret sitting on the bathroom floor with a chunk of hair cut out the side of her head. Margaret got glue in her hair and so she cut it out. Clementine tries to help Margaret even it out but it just gets worse, so finally the girls decide to cut all of Margaret's hair off. Off course, Clementine is blamed for this and her attempts to improve the situation for Margaret make things worse.

Clementine is a younger version of Anastasia Krupnik and much more adorable than Junie B. Jones.

2-3rd grade.